( 4 Tips to help keep you warm without turning on the radiator)

So, last year by now me and my other half had already surrendered to turning on the heating, but this year it's a whole other story what with the cost of living and being self-employed its been a tricky one. These are some of the things we are doing to try and combat the cold.
Layering - Layering , Layering: Be like Joey from friends ( okay maybe that's a bit too much) but, even indoors I am wearing tights under jeans and a long sleeved top under a blouse and then a big cozy jumper or fleece. Invest in a good outdoors jumper/sweater. One built for hiking or skiing.
2. Heat your clothes before putting them on: There are three ways I normally do this. I am trying to use the hot water bottle less because how much money the kettle is to boil. So, my go to now is either turning on the electric blanket and putting all clothes' underneath so they get warm. I only put it on a low heat and don't leave it for long. I also use the an electric clothes airier - It's less expensive than a tumble dryer however look at the wattage as its more expensive according to what wattage it is. I leave it for a few seconds then hey presto you are putting on nice warm clothes. I hate putting on cold clothes! The third one is use the hairdryer again not on a high setting, but just go up and down the clothes with the hairdryer making them warm.
3.) Get a heated blanket - if you don't already. They do obviously still cost money but, they are still less than turning on the heater. I literally wrap it around myself. I tend to be pretty toasty in its lower settings as well, which is great.
4.) Invest in fluffy slippers, PJ'S and hot hand warmers and hot feet warmers. You can find the hot hand warmers / foot warmers in a pack on Amazon or you can find them in Halfords store. They do back ones now as well that you stick onto your clothes and it heats you up. They are amazing! They last all day too!

Hope you like my tip's . Thanks for reading.
Corinne x