My Approach

My approach to Counselling is the use of CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
So what is CBT?
I am sure you have heard of it. CBT is training the brain to rethink in a positive manner, or from a different perspective, obviously, this cannot be done overnight however It can be done by exercises which I give to you in session and outside of session. You must do this every day as the brain will always try and go back to what it's comfortable with at first.
Also it can help to change the way you behave in certain situations and help you deal more effectively with life's ups and downs.
CBT is generally used for anxiety and OCD, stress and depression.
So what is Counselling and more importantly is it right for you?
We all see in movies where the person goes to the counsellor and is told what to do... but that is wrong. The counsellor shouldn't tell you what to do. We as counsellors prompt you through situations to find the right answers for yourself. So next time you watch a movie and see that you can be like that's wrong!
Whether it's right for you, only you know that but I do hope you will give it a go.
Hope to see you soon.