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What is family Therapy? 


Family therapy looks at the family as a whole and also as individuals within the whole. It looks at where your relationships within the family are and beliefs within the family system. Together we will build on your strengths and relationships within the unit. Family Therapy can help you help others with the family. 

you can all share your thoughts and feelings with those you care about in a safe environment. It will help you understand each other better and see things through each others P.O.V. It 's good at addressing challenging situations. 

Every family is different and has different ways of approaching things the aims of family counselling are as follows:

1.) looking at family dynamics and the roles you all play

2.) working together not against each other or as individuals 

3.) finding balance 

4.) enabling you to all talk through stressful situations or challenges within the family or maybe trauma's that affect you all. helps you support each other, communicate with each other, and respect each others opinions and feelings.

5.) build on all your strengths  

In my sessions will talk to you individually as well as a group but the key family member must always be present. 


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